The difference between the occasional bout of doggie fear versus full-blown #doganxiety can be subtle. Anxiety in dogs can include whining and chewing, trembling, aggression, accidents, destructive behavior, and clinginess. Some of the most common causes of anxiety in dogs are…
🔊 Noise anxiety from fireworks, thunderstorms, or sirens
🏡 Anxiety due to change in residence
👪 Anxiety due to an introduction of a new baby, pet, or other family member
😨 Fear about new or strange people or new/different animals
Your dog doesn’t have to deal with all the anxiousness, though! If you are interested in more information on how to treat dog anxiety or fear, please visit [INSERT YOUR DOG TRAINING SERVICES OR ONE/A SOURCE YOU RECOMMEND].
#DogAnxietyAwarenessWeek #DogAnxietyAwareness #doganxietyawareness #doganxiety #dogs #doglife #doghealth #dogbehavior #dogtraining #dogtrainer #seperationanxiety