Did you know it’s National Llama Day?! These beautiful and intelligent creatures have some pretty cool fun facts, too…
🦙 They make great memes
🦙 They are loyal and (most) enjoy cuddles
🦙 They come in a variety of special colors and markings
[If you have a local Llama rescue, add 1-2 sentences about the work they do and link to their site/blog/social media]
#NationalLlamaDay #LlamaDay #llamalife #llamalove #llamas #llamarescue #llamalover #llamafarm
Right click (PC) or Command Click (Mac) each image to save to your computer or use the buttons below to edit on Canva.

01. Sunshine

02. Seaside

03. Fireside

04. Starshine

01. Sunshine

02. Seaside

03. Fireside

04. Starshine