Cancer sucks. All cancer. Human cancer, pet cancer, ALL cancer. But since it's #NationalPetCancerAwareness Month, we wanted to share a few ways you can help reduce the risk of cancer in your pets:
🐾Keep your pet at a healthy weight with quality, nutrient-dense food.
🐾Spay or neuter your pet at an appropriate age.
🐾Minimize exposure to carcinogens and other toxins.
🐾Don't skip your pet's yearly physical check up.
Pass the word by sharing this post or if you have a personal story with pet cancer and feel obliged to share it, there are tons of pet parents who could benefit from knowing they are not alone and that people are fighting to end #petcancer!
#pethealth #doghealth #petcancer #petcancerawareness #cancersucks #caninecancerawareness #caninecancerbites #dogcancer #catcancer #caninehealth #petcancersucks #catcancersucks #dogcancersucks #vetmed #veterinarymedicine #curepetcancer
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01. Sunshine

02. Seaside

03. Fireside

04. Starshine

01. Sunshine

02. Seaside

03. Fireside

04. Starshine